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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Want to learn more about our products? We’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular questions, accompanied by our thorough answers. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us.

Are these hard to keep alive? I can never keep my plants from dying!
No! Our creations are very easy to take care of and are very low maintenance. 

Does it out grow the bottle? 
No! All of our creations are made to be kept in the bottle they are in. You can always choose to move them into a larger bottle, but that is not necessary! 

Do you have to transplant the roots?
No! These are made to stay in their bottles and in water. 

How do I take care of my new Liquid Roots?
All these need are water and sunlight! Make sure the roots are always covered with water. We use filtered water. They do well in any type of light, and do not need direct. They do great in window sills, bathrooms, and even offices!

I don't see the exact style I am looking for. Can you create it for me?
Yes! Please go to the custom tab and fill out a form for us. We would love to create you a custom bottle that you are looking for!

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